Mice seem always to find a way inside your home. The reason that mice find a way in might be more about our perception of these little pests. Many of us forget that mice are incredibly flexible. Those whiskers on their nose work as a tool to measure the gaps that their body will and will not fit through. Mice whiskers, like cat whiskers, tell the creatures what their hips will squeeze through and alerts them when they will get stuck. What that means for homeowners is that small holes that may not look like a mouse could fit through become gates ways to your home.
Mice: The Chewing Problem
Small holes become big holes when mice decide to alter your home to fit their needs. Mice are perfectly capable of gnawing their way into your home. Mice are rodents, and like some of the larger rodents, they can be quite destructive. It becomes a small task for a mouse to gnaw a small hole until it is large enough for it to gain entrance to your homes wall space. There are plenty of ways to gain entrance to the inner sanctum once a mouse has access to the wall space of your home.
The Problems With Mice
Usually, one mouse is not a problem. A single mouse does little damage, but they leave scat and urine marks everywhere they travel. Plus, they get into food that you eat, so you may end up eating with mice, which is not healthy. Mice also carry fleas, which are happy to jump ship and take up residence on your pets. The real problem with mice is that the breed like crazy. So once you have a single pregnant female you have a mouse problem of exponential proportions. A single female mouse gives birth every 21-30 days and when she does she has up to 14 babies. Add to that massive birthing rate the fact that a female mouse gives birth between five and ten times each year and the mouse problem you have just become an infestation.
Mice fleas carry diseases such as Bubonic plague—the fleas infect the mice with plague, and then the fleas bite you or your pet and pass it on that way. Mice are vectors for the other diseases as are other rodents like rats and squirrels. Just a few years back there was an outbreak of Hantavirus, which is caused by a virus found in deer mice, which may infest rural barns, sheds, and home near forested areas. The virus is airborne and usually inhaled while cleaning up dried mouse scat, urine stains, or from nesting material. The virus leads to a pulmonary illness with no known cure.
Getting Rid Of Mice
Mice while cute, belong in the wild where they can remain part of the food chain. Mice do not belong in homes. If you have a mouse problem and want to find solutions to solve that problem contact Bug Out today. Trained experts can walk you through the process of getting rid of mice safely and effectively, and employ humane techniques for removing wildlife from your home. Plus, they offer more than just pest removal. The company’s exclusion service helps prevent future infestation by closing any entrance points that rodents may be using to get in. For all of your pest control needs, call Bug Out today.