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Eastern Saltmarsh Mosquitoes

Actual Size: 3-4mm

Characteristics: Black with white stripes on its body and legs

Legs: 6

Antennae: Yes

Wings: Yes

Habitat: Mosquitoes breed in stagnant, standing water sources such as ponds, rain gutters, storm drains, old tires, children’s wading pools, and birdbaths.


  • Often attack during the daytime, unlike many other mosquito species that are more active during dusk and dawn.
  • Asian Tiger Mosquitoes are active year-round in warmer climates
  • All mosquitoes have a large slender mouthpart called a proboscis.

Eastern Saltmarsh Mosquito Identification


What Do Eastern Saltmarsh Mosquitoes Look Like?

Eastern saltmarsh mosquitoes are medium-sized mosquitoes with distinctive markings. They have a brownish body with white bands on their legs and a characteristic lyre-shaped pattern on their thorax. The scales on their wings give them a unique, speckled appearance. Their proboscis, used for feeding, is long and slender, making them efficient bloodsuckers.

Signs of an Eastern Saltmarsh Mosquito Infestation

Signs of an eastern saltmarsh mosquito infestation include heightened mosquito activity, particularly around dawn and dusk. You might notice the presence of mosquito larvae or pupae in standing water. There could be reports of numerous mosquito bites, often concentrated around the ankles and legs. Additionally, adult mosquitoes can be observed resting in shaded, moist areas during the day.


Habitat, Diet, Life Cycle & Bites


Where Do Eastern Saltmarsh Mosquitoes Live?

Eastern saltmarsh mosquitoes thrive in coastal salt marshes and brackish water habitats. They are commonly found in North Carolina’s coastal regions but can also inhabit inland areas if suitable conditions exist. These mosquitoes prefer areas with standing water, such as marshes, swamps, and flood plains, where they can lay their eggs.


Adult female eastern saltmarsh mosquitoes primarily feed on the blood of mammals, birds, and sometimes reptiles. The males, however, do not bite and instead feed on nectar and other plant juices. The females require blood meals to develop their eggs.

Life Cycle

The life cycle of an eastern saltmarsh mosquito includes four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Female mosquitoes lay their eggs in moist soil or directly on the water’s surface. Once the eggs hatch, the larvae develop in the water, feeding on organic matter. After several molts, they become pupae and eventually emerge as adults. The entire cycle can take as little as a week depending on environmental conditions.


The bites of eastern saltmarsh mosquitoes are typically painful and can cause significant irritation. These mosquitoes are persistent biters and are active at all times of the day, though peak activity is often around dawn and dusk. Their bites can result in red, itchy welts, and they can transmit diseases such as Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) and West Nile Virus.


Are Eastern Saltmarsh Mosquitoes Dangerous?

Yes, eastern saltmarsh mosquitoes can be dangerous due to their ability to transmit several diseases. While not all bites will result in disease transmission, the risk is significant, especially in areas where these mosquitoes are prevalent. Diseases like Eastern Equine Encephalitis and West Nile Virus can have serious health implications for humans and animals.


How to Get Rid of Eastern Saltmarsh Mosquitoes

Effective mosquito control involves several strategies:

  • Eliminate standing water: Regularly empty and clean containers that can hold water, such as flower pots, buckets, and bird baths.
  • Use larvicides: Apply larvicides to standing water that cannot be eliminated to kill mosquito larvae.
  • Install screens: Ensure windows and doors are fitted with screens to prevent mosquitoes from entering homes.
  • Use repellents: Apply EPA-approved insect repellents to exposed skin when outdoors.
  • Consider using outdoor fans, as mosquitoes are weak fliers and will avoid windy areas.

For comprehensive mosquito management, especially in heavily infested areas, contact your local Bug Out expert. Our highly trained mosquito experts can provide long-term mosquito prevention strategies to protect your home and family!

Preventing Eastern Saltmarsh Mosquitoes

To prevent eastern saltmarsh mosquitoes, maintain clean gutters and ensure proper drainage around your property. Using mosquito netting over baby carriages and playpens provides additional protection. Wearing long sleeves and pants outdoors, especially during peak mosquito activity times, can also help minimize exposure. Additionally, keeping grass and shrubs trimmed reduces resting areas for adult mosquitoes.

For expert mosquito control solutions, contact your local Bug Out experts today!

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